Zimbabwe's Sex Toy Ban Draws International Attention and Legal Challenge

Zimbabwe’s Sex Toy Ban Draws International Attention and Legal Challenge

The Women’s Academy for Leadership and Political Excellence (Walpe) executive director, Sitabile Dewa, has taken the Zimbabwean government to court over the ban on the importation of sex toys. In her High Court application, Dewa argues that the ban on the possession, importation, and use of sex toys is unconstitutional and violates individuals’ rights. The…

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Sbahle Mpisane: The Story of a Woman Who Overcame Obstacles to Achieve Greatness

The Rise of Sbahle Mpisane: How She is Changing Perceptions of Women in Male-Dominated Fields.

Sbahle Mpisane is a South African fitness trainer, model, entrepreneur, and social media personality. Born on June 18, 1993, in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, she is the daughter of Shauwn Mpisane and the late Sbu Mpisane. Early Life and Breakthrough Sbahle grew up in Durban, South Africa, where she attended primary and high school. She was always…

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