Hidden facts about Zimbabwean businessman Dr Phillip Chiyangwa (Love life and politics)

Hidden facts about Zimbabwean businessman Dr Phillip Chiyangwa (Love life and politics)

Phillip Chiyangwa is a Zimbabwean businessman and politician. He is the President of the Zimbabwe Football Association and the African Union of Football. He is also the founder and President of the Affirmative Action Group (AAG).

Chiyangwa was born in 1958 in Gutu, Masvingo Province. He attended the University of Zimbabwe, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Economics. He later went on to study at the University of South Africa and obtained a Masters in Business Leadership.

Chiyangwa is the founder of the Affirmative Action Group, a group which works to promote economic development and equal opportunities for the African people. He is also the founder and President of the Zimbabwe Football Association and the African Union of Football. He has been involved in the development of numerous football clubs in Zimbabwe, including Highlanders and Dynamos.

Chiyangwa is a controversial figure in Zimbabwe. He has been accused of corruption and nepotism. He is also known for his flamboyant lifestyle and ostentatious display of wealth.

Chiyangwa is a member of the ruling Zanu-PF party and has been involved in Zimbabwean politics since the early 2000s. He has served as a Member of Parliament and a Senator. He is currently the Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture.

Hidden facts about Zimbabwean businessman Dr Phillip Chiyangwa (Love life and politics)
Dr Phillip Chiyangwa – Image Credit: Instagram

Philip Chiyangwa’s relationship with Elizabeth Jama

Philip Chiyangwa is a Zimbabwean politician and businessman. He is the current Member of Parliament for Zvimba South and the President of the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA). Chiyangwa is the founder and president of the Progressive African Party (PAZ).

Elizabeth Jama is the former wife of Philip Chiyangwa. She is a Zimbabwean entrepreneur and businesswoman. Jama is the founder and CEO of ZimX, a business and technology firm based in Zimbabwe. Jama is a mum of three and was previously married to Chiyangwa.

2 thoughts on “Hidden facts about Zimbabwean businessman Dr Phillip Chiyangwa (Love life and politics)

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