Watch: KVG shows off her new car

KVG new car

Zimbabwean radio presenter Kudzai Violet Gwara (KVG) showed her new car on Instagram.

KVG remains one of the country’s most talented and loved radio presenters.

She has a following of over 200 thousand followers on Instagram alone.

When celebrating Valentine’s Day, KVG shared pictures of her new car, saying she got it from her boyfriend.

Unfortunately, she did not show the boyfriend his name or face.

KVG left many fans guessing, with some saying she received a gift from Blessers.

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However, this did not bother her, and she continued showing more and more about her new car.

Sharing on Instagram, KVG left many celebs like Tariro Chelsea congratulating her.

“Congratulations honey, you deserve this ❤” Tariri congratulated her.

KVG new car
KVG with her new car. Image via Instagram @kvgroyalty


Showing off her car to the public, KVG expressed how happy she was to get such a car as a gift.

“Good things happen in good times…” she started.

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“I decided to save this moment to share it with you on this special day where Love is celebrated the world over…” she continued, showing that she received the car days before Valentine’s.

“It feels so good to be loved by you, Babe❤️” she finished thanking her boyfriend for buying her the car.


After KVG shared pictures and videos of her new car, many fans congratulated her.

@Jacqueline Ngarande “Congratulations, Queen, after this, you are winning NAMA; it’s your season to shine 😍😍”

@Owen Ollah Madondo “Congratulations, my sister, so happy for you 🔥❤❤❤🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉”

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@gamu “No way!!!! He actually did it???💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾😍 aiwa i approve, ndaifunga kuti kutamba, and i said it jokingly!”

@Shingai Mokina “Well deserved. It’s beautiful, Sis. Come let me show you how to do a handbrake turn!👏👏”

@Tariro Mazvarirwofa “I’m smiling right now… laughing & loving darling. Ndirikufara newe”